Cybersecurity Webinar

Are the reports of Ransomware attacks in the news keeping you up at night? Are you concerned about hackers gaining access to your systems? Do you have a plan should your system get hacked or your data ransomed?

Join us to learn more about Cyber Crime, how to prepare for a cyber event, what should you do if you are hit and what might be the legal ramifications if you are compromised.

Lewis Davis, the Sr. Director of Technology & Research for the WFCA, Stacy Eickhoff, Senior Vice President of Commercial Lines for Risk Strategies Company, and Jeff King, General Counsel of the WFCA, hosted an exclusive webinar focused on how to handle Cyber Crime impacting your business.

Please join us:
This Seminar has concluded. Please use the links below to view the presentation and/or download materials utilized in the presentation.
Topic: WFCA Presents Cybersecurity

Click Here to view the webinar.

Click Here to view the materials from the presentation.

Risk Strategies has put together a program to help protect your company in the event of Cyber Crime – CYBER RESOLUTE™. Cyber Resolute helps protect against direct expenses incurred responding to and recovering from a data security incident, and any associated legal costs and liability. It also provides turn-key access to cyber risk analysis technology that identifies areas of improvement to limit the potential and severity of a data security incident.

Click Here for more details on this program.