How High Do You Fly Your Flag?

As I write this on the Tenth Anniversary of the 9/11 tragedies, it seems impossible not to feel patriotic. How sad is it that most of us are moved to feel this way only when reminded of one horrific Tuesday morning. Why can’t we show the unity and patriotism that was exhibited in the days and weeks after the crashes on a typical Tuesday?
I still believe that Made in America means something to most consumers. The flooring industry is in great position to take a lead in this area. Look around your store and see how much of what we sell is produced domestically. In most categories, it is the majority of the offerings. My question is: when was the last time that you proudly pointed this out to a customer? How can she feel good about both her purchase and your firm when she isn’t aware of its sourcing?
Imagine what the unemployment rate would be if the percentage of all textiles purchased was the same as carpeting? What if the furniture purchased was domestically produced at the same rate as the cushion that goes beneath the carpet? You get the point. Remind your customers that their purchasing decisions do affect all of us. Sourcing really does matter. Only now do we really understand that there is often a high cost to low prices!
On a personal note, on 09/11/2001 my wife and I both drove a foreign made car without giving it a second thought. Then a madman opened our eyes. On 09/11/2011 we both drive domestically produced models. When visiting Michigan this summer, it felt good to feel like in some small way I was being part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Remind staff and customers alike that it’s not about each of us; it’s about all of us! How high are you flying your flag?

Tom Jennings

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