Say What?

For years we have believed that the written word typically takes priority over the spoken word. It was presumed that published information had been subjected to some form of review and editing process. I am beginning to doubt the validity of this premise today.
Blogs, social media postings, etc. are being made available to us at an unprecedented rate. Where we used to rely on editors to “confirm sources”, I feel that it has now become our responsibility to validate that that which is presented to us as fact. In today’s world, just because you print it doesn’t necessarily make it so. More and more, I seem to be sensing the “essence of baloney” too frequently. While there is an enormous amount of good knowledge to be gained from these sources – just make sure that you always have your B.S. filters turned on.
Perhaps former Vice-President Hubert Humphrey said it best when he stated that “The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.”

Tom Jennings

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