Tom's Tips

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When presenting your proposal to a potential customer, don’t forget to sell the value that your staff adds.

Spend less time worrying about what these national stores do, and more time focusing on the things that a fashion driven customer desires that they don’t do

In this week’s Tom’s Tips, Tom shares how most of the rules change when we are the guest and the customer has the “home court advantage."

In this week’s Tom’s Tips, Tom wonders why so many salespeople leave this opportunity almost totally to chance.

This week in Tom’s Tips, Tom reminds us that customers are looking for someone to purchase from even more so than they are looking for something to purchase.

In this week’s Tom’s Tips, Tom reminds you to remember that the goal is to make customers for life, not to see how many people you can talk to today!

Because of You, the WFCA fights for our industry in Washington, D.C.

Because of You, the WFCA fights for our industry in Washington, D.C.

This week in Tom’s Tips, Tom reminds you to absorb what your customer is telling you; both verbally and non-verbally.

We all have a choice when it comes to how we react to the challenges of our past.

Don’t tell the customer more than they need to know.

In this week’s Tom’s Tips, Tom asks, “Are you giving your customers a chance to dream – or are they stuck in a maze?”

In this week’s Tom’s Tips, Tom discusses selling flooring as fashion , “I have found that a profitable use of time is to tour businesses suc

Remember the goal is to make the customer relaxed in your surroundings.

Don’t lose sight of the fact that you are responsible for your pricing strategy – not your customer.