Leadership Live

Leadership Live - 8.14.20

Why do you do what you do? Knowing your purpose can radically improve your leadership. Not knowing your purpose creates an environment of chaos-negatively impacting all who look to you for guidance.

Leadership Live - 8.7.20

One of the most essential skills for any true leader is listening. In this week’s Leadership Live, Scott Humphrey tests your listening and explains why improvement in this skill set is essential for any leader who truly cares.

Leadership Live - 7.31.20

In this week’s Leadership Live, Scott Humphrey reminds us that habits are powerful things. If you will step out of your comfort zone and watch this week, you will see how easy it is for habits to control us. Remember, the world loves conformity, but leaders rarely fit that mold.

Leadership Live - 7.24.20

A few weeks ago, Scott Humphrey shared three important questions that every leader must ask: Where are you now? Where are you going? How will you get there? In this week's Leadership Live, he shares a very important question that every leader must identify: What is holding you back? Enjoy this personal story from Scott, “…of a time in my life when I was held back, and it was noone's fault but my own!” 

Leadership Live - 7.17.20

"As a leader, it is important to understand the power of your example. Sometimes it helps to be aware that they are watching you...

not time yet"

Leadership Live - 7.10.20

As a leader, it is important to understand the power of your example. Sometimes it helps to be aware that they are watching you...

Leadership Live - 7.3.20

In this week’s Leadership Live, Scott Humphrey reminds you that as leaders, it is not simply about the destination. It is more than simply checking off the box and moving to the next conquest. So much learning and so much life takes place on the journey. Don't miss the opportunity to use this time to evaluate your team, invest in relationships, and adapt your route to success...

Leadership Live - 6.26.20

Join Scott with this week’s Leadership Live as he discusses the differences between leading and managing and shares the amazing example of tightrope walker extraordinaire - Charles Blondin...

Leadership Live - 6.19.20

This week I want to introduce you to a new term - Life Hoarder. Hoarding is defined as "persistent difficulty in discarding or parting with possessions, regardless of their actual value." Life Hoarding is not about hoarding stuff. It is about hoarding experiences positive and negative that tend to lock you into your past and keep you from looking forward. As in Hoarding, the person doesn’t own the past, the past owns the person. This week I talk about the importance of not being bound by your past...

Leadership Live - 6.12.20

"Last week we looked at changing ourselves. This week I pose the simple question - "What's holding you back?" The question is simple, but the answer often is not. In today's video I discuss one of the things I often battle when I find myself lacking the impact I'm seeking. Join me as I discuss the importance of your "belief system" in determining your success...

Leadership Live - 6.5.20

These are crazy and sometimes frightening times. In the midst of this great need for leaders to rise up in our nation, both good and bad leadership are apparent. I trust you will enjoy this week's Leadership Live video as I reveal three very important truths about leadership

Leadership Live - 5.29.20

It would be an understatement to say that we are currently living in an environment of fear. One of the greatest tools a leader has to counter fear is trust. In this Leadership Live, I describe how trust is established and share an amazing example of a leader who went above and beyond to establish trust

Leadership Live - 5.22.20

It has been said that the only thing that is constant in life is change. There has never been a time that statement resonated more than it does today. Listen in as I discuss the importance of embracing change in order to fully live, and passionately lead...

Leadership Live - 5.15.20

Leadership isn’t easy. In fact the greatest leaders have often grown the most during times of trial and failure. Today I share with you a failure that has had a profound yet positive impact on my life. I challenge you to learn from my mistake as you prepare for success.

Leadership Live 5.8.20

Sometimes we overlook the greatest leadership influences in our lives. Often those who impact us most are those who know us best. I hope you enjoy these leadership lessons from my mom..."

Leadership Live 5.1.20

As a leader, you set the stage, you set the example. This week, Scott talks about how we can reach our goals with a persistent, relentless, incremental pursuit. Change is doable, but it must be done in bite-sized pieces. Use your time to its fullest, focus on a goal, and achieve it by always moving forward with small, consistent steps.

Leadership Live - 4.24.20

With all the change that has been brought on by the Coronavirus in the last few weeks, it would be easy as a leader to find yourself looking back at what could have been. This week we discuss a great example of a leader refocusing his team when sudden change is forced on them...

Leadership Live - 4.17.20

We are all faced with a sudden and drastic impact on our lives. When we come out on the other side of this, we will have to adapt to the new world that awaits. This week, Scott Humphrey talks about Team Hoyt and the inspiration you can take from how Dick Hoyt dealt with a sudden drastic change in his life. By looking at the triumphs of Team Hoyt through perseverance and the ability to adapt, you will discover true lessons in leadership.

Leadership Live - 4.10.20

This week, Scott talks about the power of leadership as exemplified by the enduring leadership of Sir Ernest Shackleton in a time of dire need for his crew.