Tom's Tips

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If you say that you’ll do something – then do it!

Understanding the need for a positive greeting when a customer enters our showroom.

It is imperative that we stay in contact with our customer base.

Great salespeople understand the lifetime value of a customer.

Setting a positive tone when conducting your follow up interview.

Too many sales associates tend to “leave money on the table” by not knowing how to properly present upgrades to a sale.

Learn to leave the store at the end of each day with important tasks accomplished.

Never fell that you need to be an authority on any given subject.

Competency is a total image.

People pay attention to those who pay attention to them.

It's never wise to put the customer on the defense.

Taking attentive notes will validate to the customer that what she has to say is important to you.

A polite gesture will work wonders when it comes to making a customer feel welcome.

How to present yourself when visiting a customer for an in–home visit.

Explaining the options available will separate you from your competition.