Tom's Tips

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Successful merchants control margins – not the customer. 

Price increases often tend to be viewed negatively. Why?  

We realize that it is both more fun, and more productive, when we track our progress.

No one benefits from time being wasted – especially now.  

Make sure that your customer has a good understanding of the progression of the installation process.  

If you expect consistency – then you must provide the recipe for success.

It is important to remember that personal opinions are usually best kept to yourself.  

It is only customers who speak up that give you the opportunity to reclaim their consideration for repeat or referral business.  

All things being equal – price will prevail. If this is true – why should all things be equal?

Know your financing options like you know your product offerings.

Mastering the ability to present both upgrades and add on sales will have several positive effects.

When scheduling an in home appointment, take a lesson from how other professionals operate. 

Two words that we often treated as interchangeable are “flooring” and “floor covering."

Sending a handwritten thank you to the potential customers who chose not to buy from your firm. 

Remember that it is not only this sale that is in play, but all future sales as well.