Tom's Tips

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Deciding which three tasks are most imminently important.

When visiting the customer’s home or office, think of them as having the “home field advantage."

Are they really one of your “best customers”? 

When your firm speaks, what message is the customer hearing? 

Your services add value. Don’t let a “self-educated” customer convince you otherwise. 

The importance of focusing on the objective desired.

Do your staff members know what “yard line” they are on at all times?

Not everyone is looking for a mediocre product at a cheap price.

Why is it that the most educated and dedicated always seem to cash the biggest paychecks?

Sales staff must be believers before anything special will occur sales wise.   

Why the attitude that “the information is online’ may be ineffectual.

The importance of breaking down costs and objectives for your staff.

The importance of teaching as the student likes to be taught.  

Making this the most important hour of the work week. 

“Do your job” means having trust that others will also do their jobs well.