Tom's Tips

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Is your business signage sending mixed messages?

Remove the perception of any “class barriers” that may currently exist.

Respecting a customer’s time represents a great opportunity for service minded flooring dealers.

Remember that a business transaction is made up of many small parts. 

At exactly what age did we begin to believe that practice was no longer needed? 

The importance of being mindful of your tone each and every time you greet someone.

The greatest power for any manager is having a knowledgeable staff.

Does your showroom give the appearance of somewhere to relax and be comfortable?

We all make the mistake of taking ongoing advances for granted.

Always remember that what you seek in those serving you is exactly what customers hope to find in your presence.

Always remember that what you seek in those serving you is exactly what customers hope to find in your presence.

Too few sales people seem to realize that the customer is busy qualifying them, as well.

The importance of explaining why doing things incorrectly is not in anyone’s best interests.

Asking yourself: “Does this really matter to the integrity of the sale?”

Developing the good habit of performing the least desirable tasks first.