Tom's Tips

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An excellent opportunity for local flooring stores to embrace.

 It is critical that you know how to refrain from making comments sound personal.

Always remember the saying “the whole is worth more than the sum of its parts."

Be careful not to “de-mystify” the installation process too much.

Improving communications between the sales associates and the installers.

Improving communications between the sales associates and the installers.

Every day your team is either moving up or down in the standings.

When you lose a sale, make sure that you don’t lose the lesson that comes with it.

The best way to make a sale is to be prepared to sell!

Do your customers and your staff look very similar? They should.

Don’t leave money on the table by not knowing how to properly present options to a prospect.

It is the little nuances in the words and nuances that we choose to use every day that can have a big effect on how we are perceived by potential customers. 

Effective use of the financing tools available to you will undoubtable raise your sales totals. 

Why it’s never wise to put the customer on the defense.

Validate to the customer that what she is saying is important to you.