Tom's Tips

COMING SOON!: A new video coming your way shortly!

Remember, you really do want to know what the customer is thinking!

Excellence can only occur after meaningful practice.

The logic behind sending a handwritten note…to those who did not buy from you.

Digital communication is easy and convenient, but is it always the correct method of communication?

Effective use of the financing tools available to you will undoubtably raise your sales totals.

You will never make enough money doing an installation incorrectly to cover the costs of doing it again at no charge.

Successful sales people realize that the way to build trust with a customer is to focus on the customer themselves – not on products.

Don’t let one unintended remark offset your marketing efforts.

What are you doing to make your customers say WOW?

Managing the most critical part of a sales presentation.

Identifying one thing about your company that makes it distinctly different from others in your marketplace.

It is essential that a sales presentation be done in a proper sequence to be accepted by the customer as professional.

Don’t leave money on the table by not knowing how to properly present options to a prospect.

It is the little nuances in the words and nuances that we choose to use every day that can have a big effect on how we are perceived by potential customers.